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© Flemming Ravn Neft, cand.mag. et art.
Opdateret 7. mar. 2009

Stats- og turistinstitutioner. Public and Tourist Institutions in Denmark

  • Statslige institutioner. State Institutions
  • Borger.dk Source of various information
  • Danmarks Riges Grundlov Constitution
  • Kongehuset Royal Family
  • Folketinget Denmark's Parliament
  • Nordisk Råd Nordic Council
  • Udenrigsministeriet Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Undervisningsministeriet Ministry of Education
  • Ministeriet for Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling VTU
  • Det Kongelige Bibliotek Royal Library Cph
  • Statsbiblioteket Århus
  • Danmarks Statistik Denmark's Central Bureau of Statistics, Copenhagen (DST)
  • Rigshospitalet Hospital
  • Rigsarkivet National Archive
  • RigsPolitiet Department of National Police
  • Det Danske Hjemmeværn Legion of Civil Service
  • Dansk Tipstjeneste Lotto Company
  • Skat Danish Tax Authorities (IRS)
  • Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser National Environmental Research
  • Kristendommens historie Bl.a. om Folkekirken

  • Turistinstitutioner. Tourist institutions
  • Bed & Breakfast in Denmark Find accomodation easily
  • Visit Denmark Denmark for tourist purposes
  • Holiday in Denmark Accomodation
  • A Welcoming Denmark Welcome to Denmark
  • Kraks Kort Finding your way round Denmark
  • Nationalmuseet Danish National Museum, Copenhagen
  • Det kongelige Teater The Royal Theatre in Copenhagen
  • Odense Teater Largest theatre on the Funen
  • KulturNet Danmark Culture: what happens in Denmark
  • LOUISIANA Museum Humlebæk
  • Knuthenborg Safari Park Entertainment park
  • Rundetårn The Circular Tower in Copenhagen
  • Visit Silkeborg I Tourism
  • Alt om København All you want to know about Copenhagen In English
  • Copenhagen NOW Guide to events in Copenhagen
  • Karen Blixen Museet The Blixen Museum
  • BILLETnet Buy your tickets here
  • City Net Links to all cities in the World
  • Virtual Denmark See lots of photos from Denmark & tourist info
  • HJARNØ Visit a nice island in Horsens Fjord

  • Diverse. Miscellaneous
  • PostDanmark Denmark Postal Services
  • Encyclopedia of Religion Edited by VITEN.ORG
  • Et godt tilbud Vedr. webhosting
  • LITERATURE.viten.org Gratis e-tekster fra World Literature Web Net
  • Frederiksbergs Kommune Municipality of Frederiksberg
  • Københavns Kommune Municipality of Copenhagen
  • JERNESALT Ekistentialistiske tanker og temaer
  • Fodbold-Guide Guide to Danish soccer
  • Mybanker.dk Lister over de bedste og billigste danske banker med mere
  • Valutakurser.dk Valutakurser globalt og dagligt
  • Banker & pengeinstitutter Danish banks
  • Invest-Guide, aktier & valuta Info on shares and foreign currency
  • Ejendomsmæglere Real estate agents
  • Lego Lego, famous toy company
  • Literature.viten.org Gratis e-tekster fra World Literature Web Net
  • Friends of the Earth Miljøbevidsthed
  • Eurovision Favourites Flemming Ravn Neft's selection of ESC favourites during the years
  • Arius and the Trinity Treenigheden
  • Thomas Aquinas Teolog og filosof
  • Acupuncture In English
  • Akupunktur Som behandlingsform
  • Charles Dickens Gratis e-tekster
  • Lord Byron Gratis e-tekster
  • Oscar Wilde Gratis e-tekster
  • Edgar Allan Poe Gratis e-tekster
  • World Literature Gratis e-tekster
  • Encyclopedia of Religion Edited by VITEN.ORG
  • Et godt tilbud Vedr. webhosting

    Projekt Runeberg

    Tekster af og om NORDISKE FORFATTERE

    Litteratur og sprogvidenskab. Literature and Linguistics

  • Dansk og nordisk. Danish and Nordic
  • NIELSENS Litteratur Guide Resources
  • Dansk Litteratur Resources
  • EPOKE Danish literature before 1900 by Per Hofman Hansen & Iben Holk
  • LITTERATURSIDEN.dk Danish and World Literature
  • H.C Andersen Centret, Odense Resources In English
  • H.C. Andersen Web ResourcesIn English
  • Karen Blixen Museet Museum
  • Litteraturselskaber i Danmark Literary Societies
  • Index of Nordic writers Pegasos Circle, Finland
  • Astrid Lindgren Resources
  • Astrid Lindgren IInd site Biography In English
  • Henrik Ibsen Net Resources In English
  • August Strindberg Resources In English
  • Knut Hamsun Resoruces
  • Knut Hamsun Kirjasto Biography In English
  • Kalliope DigtArkiv Poems in various languages
  • World Literature Gratis e-tekster
  • Project Runeberg Collection of texts in Nordic languages In English
  • E-Text Collections Contains texts in Nordic languages
  • Ordbog over det danske sprog (1700-1950) Look Danish words up
  • FIDUSO Movement for improving the quality of the Danish language
  • Dansk Sprognævn Danish Language Committee
  • SPROGET.dk Danish language resources

  • Engelsksproget. English Language Literature
  • British & Commonwealth Literary Studies Resources In English
  • British & Irish Literature Res. In English
  • British & Irish Authors Res. In English
  • British Literary studies Resources In English
  • Victorian British Resources In English
  • The Dickens Fellowship Resources In English
  • Charles Dickens By David Perdue In English
  • Charles Dickens Af Flemming Ravn Neft (på dansk)
  • E.M. Forster (1879-1970) Resources In English
  • E.M. Forster IInd Resources In English
  • Fay Weldon Flemming Ravn Nefts interview med Fay Weldon, da hun var i Danmark i 2008 (på dansk)
  • What the Thunder Said T.S. Eliot Resources In English
  • T.S. Eliot Resources In English
  • Graham Greene (1904-1996) Resources In English
  • Graham Greene Biography In English
  • J.R.R. Tolkien Resources In English
  • TolkienSelskabet BRI Copenhagen
  • Oldest ShakespeareSite Resources In English
  • Shakespeare Resources In English
  • James Joyce (1883-1941) By R.L.Callahan In English
  • J.Joyce Center Antwerp In English
  • Samuel Beckett (1906-1989) Biography In English
  • IRISH Studies Resources In English
  • GAY Literature GLBTQ Encyclopedia In English
  • Virginia Wolf Resources In English
  • Oscar Wilde Resources In English
  • Oscar Wilde More resources In English
  • Walt Whitman Resources In English
  • James Baldwin Resources In English
  • Christopher Isherwood Resources In English
  • Gay-Lesbian Lit. Biblography In English
  • AMERICAN Literature Resources In English
  • Paul Auster Resources In English
  • CANADIAN Literature Resources In English
  • Tom Wolfe Resources In English
  • AUSTRALIAN Authors Resources In English
  • Postcolonial Theories In English
  • Postcolonial Literature Resources In English
  • Jamaica Kincaid Biography In English
  • Babylon Languages WebSite Resources, dictionaries
  • WEBSTER English Dictionary Online dictionary (very useful) In English
  • ENGELSK Hjemmeside for ungdomsuddannelserne

    Albert Camus - CLICK and read more (in Danish)!Albert Camus - CLICK and read more (in Danish)! ALBERT CAMUS

  • Fransk og italiensk. French and Italian. Français. Italiano
  • Alliance Française Paris In English
  • LIRE Literary magazine
  • Bibliothèque virtuelle Resources
  • Littérature française moderne
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau Resources
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau Res. In English
  • Marguerite Yourcenar (1903-1987) Biography and bibliography In English
  • The Drunken Boat Arthur RIMBAUD In English
  • Michel Tournier Resources In English
  • Emile Zola Many Resources
  • André Malraux Resources
  • Maupassant (1850-1893) Recources
  • Bernhard-Henri Lévy Holocaust
  • Marguerite Duras (1914-96) Resources In English
  • Paul Ricœur Biography
  • Albert Camus (1913-1960) Biography
  • Albert Camus Biography
  • Jean-Paul Sartre Resources
  • Simone de Beauvoir Resources
  • Jean Cocteau Biography In English
  • Alphonse Daudet Resources
  • Les Trois Provençaux Marcel Pagnol, A.Daudet & Fr. Mistral
  • Le Site de Poésie de Marie 19th Century poems
  • French Literature Resources NYU In English
  • French Language/Lit. E-texts In English
  • World Literature Gratis e-tekster
  • 19th and 20th Centuries Abstract of Italian literature In English
  • Letteratura Italiana Italian literature
  • Umberto Eco Biography In English
  • Lingua e Letteratura Italiana Italian language and literature
  • Elsa Morante Site in Finland In English
  • Elsa Morante Biography
  • Italo Calvino Site in Finland In English
  • Italo Calvino Biography
  • E-Text Collections Contains texts in French and Italian In English

    Swiss author Herman Hesse

  • Diverse. Miscellaneous
  • Goethe Gesellschaft Weimar
  • Thomas Mann by W. Vocke
  • Hermann Hesse Homepage Resources In English
  • Freud Museum Vienna, Austria
  • Freud Museum London In English
  • Freuds forsvarsmekanismer SKrevet af Flemming Ravn Neft
  • Victor Frankl Institute, Vienna Resources In English
  • Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) Resources
  • Constantin Kavafy Greek poet
  • La Page de Socrate Resources
  • Ancient Greek Literature Resources In English
  • Fyodor Dostoïevski Dostoyevsky resources
  • Academic Jewish Studies Directory In English
  • Martin Buber Homepage In English and German
  • Modern Hebrew Authors In English
  • Yehuda Amichai (1924-2000) Resources In English
  • Isaac Bashevis Singer (1904-1991) Biography and more
  • Sholom Aleichem Network A Yiddish author In English
  • Littérature Russe Tchekov, Dostoïevski, Tolstoï etc.
  • The Jorge Luis Borges Center The University of Iowa
  • Pablo Neruda Universidad de Chile
  • Pablo Neruda Biography
  • Slavoj Zizek Introduction
  • Ivo Andric (1892-1975) Biography In English
  • Orhan Pamuk Tyrkisk nobelpristager
  • Khaled Hosseini Forfatten til "Drageløberen"
  • Official Nobel Prize Homepage In English
  • Official Pulitzer Prize Homepage In English
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